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XI International Music & Dance festival BUDAPEST MUSIC FESTIVAL

Application Form Price: 96 € Date: 8 - 10 November, 2025
Location: BUDAPEST, Hungary
Director: B.D.M. & WOFA
Application Deadline: 15 February, 2025
Groups pay in advance a 10% guarantee fee, which is to be deducted at the final payment.


With pleasure we INVITE you (Folk ensembles, Choral groups, Brass bands, orchestras, balroomdance groups, modern dance group, Art Schools, majorette teams), (children, youth and adults groups) to participate on XI International  music & Folk - dance festival “ BUDAPEST MUSIC FESTIVAL”  09 – 11 November ,Budapest,HUNGARY 

    The Festival light motive is to present the cultural tradition of different countries and to provide an opportunity for the members of groups to get together, to establish friendships and culture presentation trough dance and music.

Located in Hungary, Budapest is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is situated right on the bank of River Danube. Not only is this city a perfect spot for a vacation; offering much to the tourists from around the world, but it’s also located in a central position which allows tourists to easily travel to other great places in the country. Budapest is one of Europe's most delightful and enjoyable cities. Due to its scenic setting and its architecture it is nicknamed "Paris of the East"

      General rules :

-         is a non-competitive sample of traditional and modern dances, choral groups and majorette teams.

-         Every Folklore, Choral group,majorette Teams,danceand musicgroups has the right to participate. On the festival may participate folklore dance groups, modern dance groups, vocal groups, instrumental groups and soloists, as well as groups and performers from other art styles. . 

-         The number of participants are limited (only 3  groups from each country),

-         Each group should consist of most 50 members including dancers, managers, musicians adfamily number

-         Ensemble should have prepared program, 10-12 minutes each with orchestra or USB

- Choral groups should have prepeared 12 minutes free program. 

-         To send us short CV (5-6 sentenceson English), 3 photos of the group and link of video performance

-         To take a flag of the country,

-         Groups should have there own transport for arrival and departure,      

        Program Proposal

 Day 1 

 After 14.00.Arrival in Budapest,  hotel accommodation,

18.00 - 21.00  Dinner in hotel

21.00 - 22.30.00  Meeting with leaders of the groups in hotel  

 Day 2

 08.00 -10.00 Breakfast,

 10.00 – 15.00  Facultative tour of Budapest with attendance of professional local guides (optional)

15.00- 17.00 Visit of St. Andrea and Famous Marzipan Shop

 17.00 – 18.00 Dinner in hotel

 18.30 – 21.30 Concert and Diploma Rewarding in St. Andrea (Depending of the number of the groups we will let you know about the minutes of your performance.

    Day 3

 08.00 -10.00 Breakfast,


11.00 Departure of the participants

 Participation fee is 96 euro

 - Hotel Accommdation in 3* hotel with 2 meals per day (open buffet)

 It covers 3* hotel accommodation 2 nights with 2 meals (breakfast and dinner (OPEN BUFFET) - in triple and quadriple rooms

For  double rooms are additional 5 euro per person per day…single room 19 euro per person per day..

Price not include facultative excursions.                                                                                                                                                                

Festival organizers provide:

-         for 25 dancers – one gratis,

-         Certificate for attendance,

-         souvenir and gift for each group,

-         drinks during the performance,

-    advertising of the festival (press release,social media promotion,  posters and flayers) 

Personal responsibility and health insurance are within the other obligations of the groups. First Aid and Medical Hospital will be available, medical services must be covered by the group

On your request,  You can continue your stay in Budapest. Price will be from 45 day per person HB – price depends of selected hotels and it is special for the participants in festivals that we can provide.

After Groups arrived in Hotel will be given detailed program of the festival and each group will have guide during festival. After the festival finish organizers will send you link of  photos.The copy right of all video materials and pictures are ownership of the Organization of the Festival.

  The festival will organize the transport for the groups coming by plane by picking them up from airport, during the festival days and back to airport. The cost of the transportation will be covered by the group and will be additionally agreed according to their number. Payment can be done on several parts.

By applying you confirm that you accept all festival conditionsAll detailed information  will be supply after your confirmation for participations.

In 2018 were participated 400 participants from 7 different countries.. 


Groups pay in advance a 10% guarantee fee, which is to be deducted at the final payment.

"We build bridges from nation to nation"