XXXI International Choir Festival ”St. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI ”
Location: OHRID, Macedonia
Director: Z S. & WOFA
Application Deadline: 15 February, 2025
“ST.KLIMENT OHRIDSKI” choir festival is most significant and dedicated Choir festival in the region…... Organizers of the festival are: Association of culture and art “Models”, Youth culture center in cooperation with Municipality of Ohrid and World Festival Association
With pleasure we INVITE you (Children's, Youth & Adults Choral groups) to participate on XXXI International Choir Festival “St.Kliment Ohridski”in Ohrid which will be held on 04 – 08 of August 2025
The intention of our invitation is to invite you to celebrate together the day of St. Kliment Ohridski, 08 of August, Patron of the Ohrid city, in Ohrid (city of St. Kliment and St.Naum – best students of St. Cyril & Methodius). The Festival light motive is to present and promote choral music of different countries, exchange experience and to provide an opportunity for the members of groups to get together, to establish friendships and culture presentation.
Nowadays, Ohrid is cultural, spiritual and tourist centre. During this period there are a lot of tourists from Holland, Finland, Poland, Sweden, Germany, Serbia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Turkey …Due to exceptional beauty and culture heritage Ohrid Lake and Ohrid city is protected by UNECO. There are a lot of hotels, apartments, a lot of traditional restaurants and café, shops, entertainment. Ohrid&Struga during the summer period lives 24 hours. Ohrid lake coast is 35km with beautifully sands beach, tourist attractions and entertainment. Temperature of the water in the lake is 25C degree and it is suitable for swimming, diving, yachting …..
Ohrid is one of the oldest settlements in Macedonia. According to famous television game show “who wants to be a millionaire “ in 2007 on British Television ,Ohrid is declared as the oldest city in the world, with continuous civilization advancement! Indeed, according to many historians, Lychnidos-the city of light (the ancient name of Ohrid ) was build in the 4th century B.C, but humans have lived there for more than 8.000 years.Here in Ohrid, from its beginning until today, life still goes on, without ending.That is why it‘s also called “the kingdom of archaeologists”.
However, Ohrid is the only place in the world where 2 recognized saints actually lived in the same time - St. Clement of Ohrid (840-916) and St.Naum of Ohrid (830-910), putting an extremely strong stamp of their existence.
These 2 exceptional persons, the best students of Cyril and Methodius, were in fact the most educated persons in the world in their time. Among other achievements, they will always be remembered as establishers of the first University in Europe (893), located in Ohrid Old Town, long before the University in Bologna (1088)! Besides that, St. Clement and St.Naum of Ohrid were founders of the Cyrillic Alphabet. As a result of their creativity and incredible work, today more then 200 million people still use this alphabet, mostly in Southeast and Eastern Europe.
Ancient ruins, beautiful amphitheatre, 3 citadel walls, St.Sofia Cathedral, St.Jovan Kaneo church, St.Naum monaster (one of the most beautiful monasteries in Macedonia and an important pilgrimage place. Breathtaking setting on a plateau over Ohrid Lake and Galicica mountain towering from behind. It was founded in the 910 by St.Naum, but the present-day church was built in the 16th c. Of the original church just the side chapel with the grave of St.Naum still stands), gallery of exclusive icons, museums, workshops for hand-made paper, woodcarving and famous Ohrid pearls, are among hundreds sites for tourists worth to visit. There is also a strong Roman connection to the city, since Lychnidos was along the famous route Via Egnatia, build in the 2nd century B.C., connecting the Adriatic and Aegean sea. Considering the number of churches located in the Old town (365 churches according to the immemorial legend, for local people to celebrate every single day by honouring another saint), Ohrid is called “the Balkan Jerusalem”, successfully playing the role as the biggest pilgrimage spot for all the Orthodox Christians in the world. More information on
Every choir, singing formation and orchestras has the right to participate. Children's choirs Youth choirs , adult choirs
In order to apply, application form must be sent, including a photograph of the choir and the conductor as well as a recent audio recording. The requested materials can be sent by email, recording audio can be put on your web site or send by post.
Festival is not competitive and has 3 sections:
- Section one – obligatory performance - Open air, ( is required to perform a 15-20 minute program of their choice at several outdoor public locations)
- Section two – spiritual music (program must contain choral arrangements of spiritual songs. The program should last 8-14 minutes..
- Section three – Pop or Folk music (the program must contain choral arrangements of pop or folk songs or motives. The program should last 8-14 minutes.
All choirs are required to performin at least two sections.
By applying to the Festival the choir agrees to respect and to regulate the legal rights of the authors of the works it performs and agrees to give right to the Festival to use any material recorded during the Festival.
Festival program will be held on the outdoor public location - historical places in Ohrid and Struga cities and Centres for culture.
Program proposal
Day 1
12.00 – 14.00 Arriving in Ohrid , hotel accommodation, (swimming in Ohrid Lake),
14.00 – 15.00 Lunch in hotel (
19.00 – 21.00 Dinner in hotel,
21.00 Welcome reception with leaders of the group
Day 2
08.00 -10.00 Breakfast,
10.00 -14.00 Ohrid sightseeing – visiting cultural monuments (Samoil fortress, Antique theatre, Plaosnik, St. Kaneo church …)
18.00 – 20.30 Dinner in hotel
21.00 Official opening of the festival
06.08. Day 3
09.00 -10.00 Breakfast,
10.00 -14.00 Visiting St Sophia church (singing in the church) Stara carsia, oldest tree called – Cinar, Biljanini izvori, Ohrid pearl, manufactory of old paper, ……
14.00 – 15.00 Lunch in hotel
18.30 – 20.30 Dinner in hotel
21.00 Festival evening -singing in the city (a capella)
07.08. Day 4
09.00 -10.00 Breakfast,
11.00 -15.30 Cruising with boat on Ohrid Lake and visit Museum on water and most famous tourist resort St.Naum-culture place, also swimming in most popular beach –(price 13 euros per person),
19.00 – 20.00 Diner in hotel
21.00.Party in hotel
07.08. Day 5
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
12.00 Departure of the participants
OPTIONAL – If you stay more days…
08.08 Day 5
09.00 -10.00 Breakfast,
10.30 – 14.00 Visiting Struga city (house of Miladinovci brothers, river Crni Drim, Kalsita church……),
14.00 – 15.00 Lunch in hotel and free activities (swimming and bathing),
20.00 – 21.00 Dinner in hotel
21.00. Singing in Struga city or Macedonian evening party
09.08. Day 6
09.00 -10.00 Breakfast,
10.30 – 14.00 Free activities (sunbathing and swimming in Ohrid Lake, walking in the city square… ) or visiting Vevcani (ethno village),
14.00 – 15.00 Lunch in hotel and free activities,
20.00 – 21.00 Dinner in hotel
21.00.- 00.00 Party in hotel
10.08 Day 7
08.00 – 09.00 Breakfast,
09.00 – 14.00 Departure to Skopje city with guides ( visiting monuments of Aleksandar of Macedon, Museum of Macedonian struggle, Macedonian GATE, Stone bridge, Memorial Centre of Holocaust )
14.00 Departure from Skopje city
Participating conditions are:
- The number of participants are limited,
- Each group should consist of most 70 members including singers, managers and musicians
- Age of the participants are not limited (see sections),
- Choirs should have prepared at least 2 performance for two sections, 8-14 minutes each with or without instruments,
- To send short CV and photos of the choirs by mail,
- To bring a flag of the country,
- Choir groups should have there own transport for arrival and departure,
Participation fee with acommodation is:
- To ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay in the festival yas, WOFA offers several accommodation options.
- Choose from our top-tier city-center hotels or lakeside properties, each offering different board options to fit your needs.
Suggested Accommodation:
- Located just 100 meters from Ohrid’s main square, Hotel Delago & District Villa offers 4-star comfort with double rooms and top-quality breakfast & dinner options.
- Availability is limited!
- Double rooms accommodation!
- *rooms will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
More about Hotel Delago & District Villa
Pricing Options:
BB - Bed and Breakfast
3 Nights/ 4 days (BB): 99€ per person (Bed & Breakfast)
- 4 Nights/ 5 days (BB): 132€ per person
- 5 Nights/ 6 days (BB): 164€ per person
HB - Breakfast and Dinner
- 3 Nights/ 4 days (HB): 114 € per person (Half Board - 2 meals/day)
- 4 Nights/ 5 days (HB): 149 € per person
- 5 Nights/ 6 days (HB): 189 € per person
2. Hotel Desaret & International
- An exclusive 3-star lakeside hotel with an outdoor swimming pool. Hotel Desaret features open buffet meals and is partially renovated for added comfort. It is 14.2 kilometers from the main square of the city.
- Pricing Options:
HB - Breakfast and Dinner
- 3 Nights/ 4 days (HB): 119 € per person (Half Board - 2 meals/day)
- 4 Nights/ 5 days (HB): 144 € per person
- 5 Nights/ 6 days (HB): 179 € per person
- additional day HB is 36 euros per person;
FB - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
- 3 Nights (FB): 128 € per person (Full Board - 3 meals/day)
- 4 Nights (FB): 159 € per person
- 5 Nights (FB): 194 € per person
- additional day FB is 41 euros per person;
- additional double room is 8 euros per person per day;
3. Hotel Mizo - Click here to see Hotel Mizo
BB - Bed and Breakfast
- 3 Nights/ 4 days (BB): 104 € per person
- 4 Nights/ 5 days (BB): 136 € per person
- 5 Nights/ 6 days (BB): 169 € per person
- additional day is 33 euros per person;
HB - Breakfast and Dinner
- 3 Nights/ 4 days (HB): 119 € per person
- 4 Nights/ 5 days (HB): 144 € per person
- 5 Nights/ 6 days (HB): 179 € per person
- additional day is 36 euros per person;
4. Hotel De Luks Apartments
- Pricing Options:
- 3 Nights (HB): 91€ per person (Half Board - 2 meals/day)
- 4 Nights (HB): 119€ per person
- 3 Nights (FB): 109€ per person (Full Board - 3 meals/day)
- 4 Nights (FB): 139€ per person
Additional Central 3 & 4-Star Hotels
- If you are interested for any other option, make sure to contact us and we will make sure to arrange it for you;
- For a wider selection, these centrally located hotels offer various room configurations (double, triple, and quadruple). Price information is available upon completion of the application form.
- For any extra double room, the group should pay an extra 10 euro/person/day and for a single room an additional 20 euros per day.
Festival organizers provide:
- for 24 participants – one gratis,
- souvenir and gift for each group,
- certificate for attendance,
- Welcome cocktail,
- Drinks during performance,
- Free parking
- advertising of the festival (press release, social media promotion, posters and flayers).
Personal responsibility and health insurance are within the other obligations of the groups. First Aid and Medical Hospital will be available, medical services must be covered by the group.
On your request, You can continue your stay in Ohrid. For additional days we will arrange special program. In 3*** hotel HB will be special discount price of 32 euro per day. and FB is 36 euro
Macedonian tourist tax is 1 euro per person and it is additional payment.
After Groups arrived in Hotel will be given detailed program of the festival and each group will have guide during festival.
Transportation: The festival will organize the transport for the groups coming by plane by picking them up from Ohrid airport, during the festival days and back to the same Ohrid airport. You can also arrive through Skopje, Tirana or Thessaloniki Airport which are only 200 km from Ohrid. The cost of the transportation will be covered by the group and will be additionally agreed according to their number. Also you can arrive in Ohrid airport and we will arrange transfer to the hotel free of charge.We will also assist you in obtaining visa for Macedonia if necessary.
After the festival finish organizers will send you a link where you can take the photos and videos from the festival.
Last year over 420 people from 10 countries had participate on the choir festivals in Ohrid city..
NEWS ABOUT THE FESTIVAL Published on 10 August 2022
300 participants and groups from Russia, Poland, Moldova and Slovakia took part in the VIII International choir and dance festival "St. Kliment Ohridski". Forum was held from 4th till 8th of August in Ohrid (Macedonia) and it was supported by Municipality of Ohrid.
"This festival is dedicated to the patron saint of Ohrid - St. Kliment Ohridski , which is celebrated on 8th of August. The choirs performed the songs at the St. Cyril and Methodius Church in Ohrid." - informed the festival director Zoran Stresovski. He has traditionally welcomed all participants and guests to the holiday and explained the meaning of this day to the citizens of Ohrid.A boat trip and a final party were organized for all participants. At the final party, the groups received gifts and diplomas for participation
NEWS ABOUT THE FESTIVAL Published on 06 August 2017
The VIII International festival "St. Kliment Ohridski" took place from the 4th until the 8th of August in Ohrid (Macedonia).
"The festival was organized and devoted to the patron of the city - St. Kliment Ohridski. 8 ensembles and choirs took part in the festival, they were from Poland, Estonia, Romania, Turkey and Hungary. We wished the participants a nice stay in Ohrid and a successful performance in the festival nights. For Macedonia and Ohrid the 8th of August - the day of St. Kliment Ohridski has a great meaning, especially for the festival, backed up by Municipality Ohrid." The director of the festival Zoran Strezovski informed. During the two festival nights on the 5th and 6th of August the ensembles presented their performances on the city square.On the 7th of August all of the contestants took part in a party, at which the director of the festival gave them presents and participation certificates.
In their free time the participants had the cahnce to visit many cultural monuments and had the chance to swim in the wonderful Ohrid "sea"...
Reviews from the groups:
This festival has review of 8 groups and average estimation is VERY GOOD - 8,2/10.