@festivals_eu   +389 71 376 151



Application Form Price: 89 € Date: 5 - 9 August, 2025
Location: STRUGA - OHRID, Macedonia
Director: Z. S & WOFA
Application Deadline: 15 February, 2025
Groups pay in advance a 10% guarantee fee, which is to be deducted at the final payment.

                                                        I N V I T A T I O N

With pleasure we INVITE you (Folk groups, Choral groups and orchestras majorette teams), (children, youth and adults groups) to participate on XII International  music & folk - dance festival "LAKE MUSIC & DANCE FESTIVAL"   05   - 09 August  ,STRUGA

Purpose of the festival:This festival is the perfect occasion for different groups from various countries to gather together so that they could express their culture and nation through dances, music and interesting national costumes. Ohrid will be the host and the gathering place for dance groups and national art groups from all around the world to meet new people, make new friendship relationships and also, see the beauties of our town Ohrid and the Ohrid lake, which are under the protection of UNESCO. The idea of the festival is to develop new forms of communication in the international dialogue and international cooperation in the future.Also to present the cultural tradition of different countries and to provide an opportunity for the members of groups to get together, to establish friendships and culture presentation trough dance and music.

STRUGA -  is a town and popular tourist destination situated in the south-western region of the Republic of Macedonia, lying on the shore of Lake Ohrid. Once known as "Enchalon" -Eel, Struga has a population of approximetly 15 000 inhabitants. It has been known since the time of the Ilirs, and many old writers of traveling guides have noted that Struga was a very vivid city, with developed trade, great markets and the houses of the wealthy citizens were always beautiful and decorative. That is why the well-known saying: "There is no other place like Struga" exists since then. Except the  Ohrid lake in Struga there is a river called Crn Drim which flows gently through the town, as it does not want to disturb the visitors walking along its banks, thrilled by its crystal clear waters. In the evening when many lights are turned on, the river has even a better view by the reflection of light from its waters.On its way to the Adriatic Sea the Drim forms two man made lakes Globochitsa and Shpilye which are surrounded by magnificent landscapes.Much of the town's meager income is through internal tourism. Struga's location on Lake Ohrid makes it a slightly quieter and more peaceful experience than the more bustling Ohrid. When visiting this quiet town, there are a few other places that show the beauty and culture, like the clay chamber pots at the house of the Miladinovci Brothers, the old Struga bazaar, the century old churches and mosques.

Before the evenings you can enjoy on 3 kinds of beaches called Male beach ,Female beach and the most beautiful called Galeb (Gull), located just before the estuary of the river Crn Drim (Black Drim). Every August at the Poetry Bridge are held the Struga Poetry Evenings visited by poets, writers and artists from all around the world.Every summer in the culture center of Struga - summer open scene, it is organized cinemania and alter music festival ('Come, Row') including rock, metal, electro, hip hop, r'n b and many more groups from around the country. At night you can walk by the lake, by the river, or go at the most popular discos like Oaza,Biser,Tullamur beach.There's also very beautiful bars and pubs located by the lake, by the river and in the center of Struga such as Grifon, Tullamore Dew, Plivalishte, Ženska Plaža Cinema, Admiral, Album, Street, Sweet Cafe, Aquarius and many others.




03.08. Day 1  

13.00.Arrival in Struga, , hotel accommodation,

19.00 – 20.00 Dinner in hotel

20.00. Welcome reception  

04.08.Day 2 

09.00 -11.00 Breakfast,

11.00 -14.00  Struga sightseeing – visiting cultural monuments (Crni Drim river, Museum of Konstantin and Dimitar Miladinov, visiting Kalista and caves, visiting Vevcani etno villige..)

18.00 – 19.00 Dinner in hotel

19.30. Ensembles parade (old town)

20.00. Official opening of the festival

05.08   DAy 3  

09.00 -10.00 Breakfast,

10.30 – 14.00  Visiting Ohrid city ((St.Sofia church, Samoil fortress, Antique theatre, Plaosnik, St. Kaneo church, Bridge of wishes  …)

19.00 – 20.00 Dinner in hotel

21.00 Macedonian evening party (optional)

06.08. day 4

08.00 – 09.30 Breakfast

10.00 – 15.00 Cruising with boat on Ohrid Lake, visit Museum on water and most famous tourist resort St. Naum monastery, culture  place, (price12 euro per person, ),

16.00 – 18.00. Shopping in the city

18.00 – 20.00 Dinner in hotel

21.00. Free time in th ecity

07.08. Day 5

08.00 – 09.00 Breakfast,

09.00 – 14.00 Departure to Skopje city with guides (visiting monuments of Alexander of Macedon, National museum of Macedonian struggle, Macedonian GATE, Stone bridge…)

14.00 Departure from Skopje city


General rules :

· is a non-competitive sample of traditional and modern dances, choral groups and majorette teams.

· Every Folklore,Choral group and majorette Teams has the right to participate. Children's ensembles   Youth ensembles  adult ensembles.

- On the festival may participate folklore dance groups, modern dance groups, vocal groups, instrumental groups and soloists, as well as groups and performers from other art styles. . 

· The number of participants are limited (only 3  groups from each country),

· Each group should consist of most 50 members including dancers, managers and musicians,

·  Ensemble should have prepared at least 2 dances, 10-15 minutes each with orchestra or USB. The performances will be in the evening hours so you can plan the day ahead and use it for visiting the historical part of the city.

· To send us short CV and 2 – 3 photos of the group,

·   To take a flag of the country,

·  Groups should have there own transport for arrival and departure,


Participation fee with acommodation is:

  • To ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay in the festival yas, WOFA offers several accommodation options.


  • Choose from our top-tier city-center hotels or lakeside properties, each offering different board options to fit your needs. 


Suggested Accommodation:



  • Located just 100 meters from Ohrid’s main square, Hotel Delago & District Villa offers 4-star comfort with double rooms and top-quality breakfast & dinner options.
  • Availability is limited!
  • Double rooms accommodation! 


*rooms will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

More about Hotel Delago & District Villa

Pricing Options: (BB)

  • 3 Nights/ 4 days (BB): 99€ per person (Bed & Breakfast)
  • 4 Nights/ 5 days (BB): 132€ per person
  • 5 Nights/ 6 days (BB): 164€ per person


  • 3 Nights/ 4 days (HB): 114 € per person (Half Board - 2 meals/day)
  • 4 Nights/ 5 days (HB): 149 € per person
  • 5 Nights/ 6 days (HB): 189 € per person



2. Hotel Desaret & International

  • An exclusive 3-star lakeside hotel with an outdoor swimming pool. Hotel Desaret features open buffet meals and is partially renovated for added comfort. It is 14.2 kilometers from the main square of the city.

                More about Hotel Desaret

Pricing Options:

  • 3 Nights/ 4 days (HB): 99 € per person (Half Board - 2 meals/day)
  • 4 Nights/ 5 days (HB): 129 € per person
  • 5 Nights/ 6 days (HB): 159 € per person

  • 3 Nights (FB): 109 € per person (Full Board - 3 meals/day)
  • 4 Nights (FB): 139 € per person
  • 5 Nights (FB): 172 € per person


3. Hotel International, Hotel Mizo, Hotel Prestige,

  • 119 euro per person for 4 days (3 nights with 2 meals per day )
  • 149  euro per person for 5 days (4 nights with 2 meals per day) 

4.  Hotel De Luks Apartments

  • Ideal for those seeking a longer stay, Hotel De Luks offers meals included in both Half Board and Full Board packages.

Pricing Options:

  • 3 Nights (HB): 91€ per person (Half Board - 2 meals/day)
  • 4 Nights (HB): 119€ per person
  • 3 Nights (FB): 109€ per person (Full Board - 3 meals/day)
  • 4 Nights (FB): 139€ per person


5. Additional Central 3 & 4-Star Hotels

  • For a wider selection, these centrally located hotels offer various room configurations (double, triple, and quadruple). Price information is available upon completion of the application form. 


 Festival organizers provide:

·         for 20 dancers – one gratis,

·         souvenir and gift for each group,

·         Welcome cocktail

·         Certificate for attendance,

·         free bus parking

·         drinks during the performance,

·         tourist guides for sightseeing of the town,

·         reception in city hall,

·     advertising of the festival (press release,social media promotion,posters and flayers).

Personal responsibility and health insurance are within the other obligations of the groups. First Aid and Medical Hospital will be available, medical services must be covered by the group.

After Groups arrived in Hotel will be given detailed program of the festival and each group will have guide during festival.

After the festival finish organizers will send you DVD from the festival program for each group and photos. The copy right of all video materials and pictures are ownership of the Organization of the Festival.

The festival will organize the transport for the groups coming by plane by picking them up from Ohrid airport, during the festival days and back to the same Ohrid airport. You can also arrive through Skopje, Tirana or Thessaloniki Airport which are only 200 km from Ohrid. The cost of the transportation will be covered by the group and will be additionally agreed according to their number. We will also assist you in obtaining visa for Macedonia if necessary.

Also, you can arrive in Ohrid airport and we will organize  transport to hotel free of charge.

By applying you confirm that you accept all festival conditions. All detailed information  will be supply after your confirmation for participations.

In 2019 on this Festival participated over 440  (children’s, youth and adults) participants from 9  countries of  Europe.



NEWS FROM THE FESTIVAL.      Published on 8 August 2019



Music festival "LAKE FEST" was held in the period 3 - 7 of August. It hosted 400 participants from Poland, Moldova, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Russia.

"Different styles of folk dance ,ballroom dances and choral singing were showed on the festival evenings.. a lot of audience enjoyed the performances. At the end, all participants danced together with audience and the festival finished on the best way...", informed the organizer - Zoran Strezovski.

All the participants received diplomas for participation and gifts from the organizer at the final party. 

The program of the groups who took part in the 5th edition of the international music and folklore dance festival "LAKE FEST " included also excursions - to Struga, to Calista Monastery and a boat trip to Saint Naum island.


Reviews from the groups: 

This festival has review of 9 groups and average estimation is VERY GOOD - 8,0/10.

Groups pay in advance a 10% guarantee fee, which is to be deducted at the final payment.

"We build bridges from nation to nation"