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XXI International Festival of Children's creativity "ZOLOTIY LELEKA"

Application Form Date: 25 - 2 July, 2018
Location: Mykolaiv, Ukraine
Director: WOFA
Application Deadline: 15 February, 2025
Groups pay in advance a 10% guarantee fee, which is to be deducted at the final payment.


With pleasure Invite you to participate on ХXІ International festival of  children’s creativity "ZOLOTIY LELEKA".

The idea of the festival: "The rebirth of the national culture via children’s art"

Theme of the festival: «Let’s open our talents to the world!»

Place of holding: 

Mykolaiv region, Berezanskyi area, v. Rybakivka (on the Black Sea shore).

Terms: 25 June –02 July, 2018:

    • 25.06.2018 arrival of participants;
    • 25.06.2018 grand opening of the festival;
    • 26.06.2018-30.06.2018 elimination tours;
    • 01.07.2018 Gala-concert, closing of the festival;
    • 02.07.2018 departure of participants

You will by informed about exact dates of the festival in october

The sequence of festival holding

* The contest is held in three age categories:

    • І category - 5 – 10 years old;
    • ІІ category - 11– 14 years old;
    • ІІІ category - 15 – 18 years old.

* According to results of elimination tours the Gala-concert and the display of winners’-participants’ works on decorative and applied arts are held.

The participants wishing to take part in the grand opening concert are offered to prepare an item of the gig which is not included into their competitive programme and point it out in the application form (with its number and name). the participants (on nominations)

Grand-prix of the festival – are rewarded with the diploma, a statue "Golden stork” and presents.

І, ІІ, ІІІ prizes - are rewarded with the diploma and presents.

All the participants are rewarded with the diplomas.

Festival nominations

Choreographic art

(Folk, classical and pop dance).

Two performances are represented for the contest; one of them coincides with the theme of the festival. Musical accompaniment may be under the phonogram or live music.

Duration of the performance: up to 8 minutes.

Musical art

* solo singing: - folk;

- academic;

- pop.

* vocal ensembles.

At the contest "solo singing” phonograms (minus) made on the high professional level in audio format -  МР-3 may be used. The performance of musical items under the phonogram (plus) is prohibited.

* playing musical instruments: - solo performance;

   - small ensembles (6 – 8 performers).

Musical items are performed without phonograms (live voice).

Artistic – creative teams, solo singers perform two items (one accordingly to the theme of the festival and another one for free choice).

Duration of the performance:

- for solo singers – up to 10 minutes,

- ensembles – up to 10 minutes.

Theatrical art (drama)

For the jury judgment are presented:
- one-act performance (duration not more than 1 hour); 
- stage – adapted clothes collections (duration not more than 10 minutes);
- readers (two different in type works (a poem, monologue, fable, extract of prose) duration up to 3 minutes).


It is the first time when the contest of authored children’s literary works is announced. Works are represented for jury judgment not later than 01.06.2018 to the electronic address of the festival

 Drawing and painting

Participants represent 2 works sized 40 х 60 см, designed according to the exhibition display.


Decorative and applied art

Participants represent 2 works on one of the branches of decorative and applied arts. 
The contest in nominations Painting, Graphics and Decorative and Applied Arts is held in two stages:
- examination of represented works (exhibition mounting);
- performing of a creative task on genres in the open-air using participants’ own equipment, tools and material (for making pottery items the clay is handed in by the organizational committee). 
According to the results of the festival the exhibition display of winners’ works on nominations is held.

The author of the work represented for the contest must be present in the delegation staff.


Organizational committee has the right to leave the work made on the festival for its needsThe rest of the works made on the festival are given back to the author.

Dear group leaders and the participants of the festival!

During the festival master-classes will be represented:

- «Decorative and Applied Arts»;

- «Acting mastership»;

- «Summer of pedagogical mastery» with the participation of NAPS of Ukraine.

Journey (transportation) to the place of the festival is made on participants’ own costs.

The agenda of the festival presumes everyday entertainment activities. Participants are recommended to have pieces of carnival costumes, stage-properties, additional performances and phonograms to join.

The list of the participants should be given in two forms:
- on paper;
- in an electronic form 

Surname, name and patronymic 
Date of birth
Identification number- birth certificate or passport
Home address
Telephone(s) for contact

 The cost of permit to the festival (accommodation and mealsthree meals a day) is 13 $, 14 $ and 18 $ (dependently on conditions) for one night per person. The participants having bought the permit to the festival do not have to  pay admission fee. 

Entrance fee for festival participants – 18$

Creative groups from 2 to 10 people – 18$/person

Creative groups from 11 to 20 people – 11$/person

Creative groups from 21and more – 8$/person

For those who wish to participate in more than one nomination each nomination should be paid separately – 10 $

The group leader for 15 participants – free of charge.

For the participants who do not buy the permit (do not pay for the accommodation and meals) the cost of participation in each nomination is 19$


  For thechoreographic teams consisting of more than 10 persons the cost is 13$ for each team member (participant).

Groups pay in advance a 10% guarantee fee, which is to be deducted at the final payment.

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