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IX International Competition-Festival of Arts “Bravo,

Application Form Date: 5 - 10 May, 2017
Location: TURKU - HELSINKI, Finland
Director: WOFA
Application Deadline: 1 March, 2025
Groups pay in advance a 10% guarantee fee, which is to be deducted at the final payment.


• Promoting diversity of artistic creativity, support and promotion. • Establishment and strengthening of close friendship and creative relationship between teams and individual performers from different cities and countries. • Formation and training of artistic taste, the positive attitudes and interests of the younger generation. • Familiarization with the cultural traditions of the countries - participants of the competition. • The creative exchange of experience among the leaders of groups and individual artists. • Coordination of the participants of the competition at other festivals and competitions. 3.


Creative teams and soloists can take part in the festival in the following categories: • Soloists-vocalists: pop, classic, folk and jazz vocals, as well as the bard song • Choral, vocal, vocal and instrumental, folk bands • Show groups • Dance and dance ensembles and soloists: classical, folk, pop, contemporary (jazz, modern, neoclassical), sports (hip-hop, disco, techno, street, electric boogie, break dancing, pop locking) and ballroom dance • Artists on musical instruments (soloists and groups): classical, folk, jazz and pop music • Theatre Works (miniature puppet theatre, theatre of modes, drama, street theatre, musical) • Circus works of various genres (free plastics, clowning, pantomime) • Exhibition (visual arts, applied arts, art photos). Participants in the festival are divided into the following age groups: Vocals (soloists): • 5 to 7 years • 8 to 9 years • 10 to 11 years • 12 to 13 years • 14 to 15 years • 16 to 20 years • adult group older than 20 years Vocals (show group, choral, vocal, vocal and instrumental, folk and folk groups): • 5 to 8 years • 9 to 15 years • 16 to 20 years • older than 20 years • family and mixed ensembles Choreography: • 5 to 10 years • 11 to 15 years • 16 to 20 years • older than 20 years • mixed group Artists on musical instruments: • 6 to 10 years • 11 to 14 years • 15 to 20 years • older than 20 years • family and mixed ensembles Exhibition (painting arts, applied and decorative arts, art photo): • 6 to 11 years • 12 to 16 years • 17 to 25 years • over 25 years Other nominations are without any age restrictions. Ensembles are separated by a duet, trio, quartet and ensemble. 4.


• Soloists (vocal) and vocal ensembles performing on 1 song in any language. Timing of the repertoire isn’t more than 3,5 minutes. Participants perform in other categories for 1 performance not more than 4 minutes. • Rehearsals and performances are held strictly in accordance with the schedule provided by the organizer of the festival competition. Each participant is given the acoustic and technical rehearsal of not more than 2,5 minutes for soloists and 3 minutes for the group (depending on group size and category performance, as well as technical reasons). Claims sounding music during the competition will not be accepted. • Competitive program of the festival participants (singers) the phonogram is permitted (-). • All performers program, as well as the song that dance show and other performances of the songs sent in Mp3 format by email in connection with the registration, at least 1.04. Mp3 must save in the following sequence in English: participant's name and surname, the name of the song For example: Anne Lahtinen-Bird •Back- vocals are allowed fragments without a major party. Participants who violate the rules will not be allowed to take part in the competition. Organizing Committee reserves the right to refuse the participation of groups that have bad quality sound track, or recorded on obsolete media. Artists may make accompanying. • Changes in the program, presented to the competition in the application are not allowed! • The organizers reserve the right to make the union of genres within the nominations based on applications received and in consultation with the jury. • To promote national cultures welcome the inclusion in the festival program number, is folk or national traditions (songs, dances, etc.), as well as the presence of national symbols (flags, costumes, etc.) at the opening ceremony and closing ceremonies. • In addition to competitive programs of groups and performers must take part in activities in the program of the festival (opening / closing ceremonies). • Selection of performances at the Gala-concert among the winners and participants by the organizers and the jury. The program is final and non-negotiable. • Exhibition (art, painting, art, photography, crafts) -category, the participants submitted a maximum of 3 work. The subject and technique are free. The work is placed in the frame, the right angle should be a note on which is written the name of artist, city, country, age and job name and the year when the work was done. The work will be returned.

5. JURY:

• The Organizing Committee of the International Competition and Festival of Arts Bravo, Turku is formed by competent international judges. At the end of the competition, festival participants and teachers have the opportunity to exchange views and discuss the competitive performances with the jury members at the meeting of the Roundtable. • Criteria for assessment of performances and work parties: Performance of the participants assessed the jury to 10 point scale. • Category - vocals: matching repertoire age and capabilities of the performer, a sense of rhythm, the ability to use a microphone, culture and stage movement, purity of intonation and sound quality, beautiful tone and strength of voice, ensemble system, the original repertoire. • Category - choreography: the skill and technique of the movements, Reputational structure numbers corresponding to the age peculiarities of the repertoire of performers, theatrical (plastic, costume, props, culture, design), selection and match musical and choreographic material, artistry, disclosure of the artistic image. • Category - instrumental music: the skill and technique, sound quality instrument, musicality, repertoire selection and compliance with the age peculiarities of artists, artistry. • Category - theaters, fashion (no age categories): stage movement, choice of repertoire in accordance with the age, theatrical (plastic, costume, culture of performance) skills, music, originality, costumes and performance. • Category - circus art: originality, the skill and technique, artistic quality of the incarnation, theatrical, musical accompaniment. • Category - exhibition: skill and technique of performance, innovation and originality, knowledge of material, creative individuality and skill of the author, artistic taste, aesthetic appearance of the product (product design). • Requirements for registration of works in the category "exhibitions" • Painting Arts: Professional and amateur artists are allowed to competition. Age of participants is unlimited. To compete with works made in any technique suitable for the demonstration. Each party represents no more than 3 works. Format is free. Registration papers must conform to the exhibition option. Paintings and drawings are drawn in a tough mat of white or light colors. Works are accepted in registration form, for the figures needed mat and label in the lower right corner. The label or sign must contain: title, name and age of the author, the city (region, territory), the name of an educational institution, name of the teacher. To be filled in Russian + translation of "surname, first name" in Latin letters or in English. Works are returned. • Applied and Decorative Arts: Participants represent masks, dolls, items carved wood etc. The age of competition is not limited. The format is arbitrary - at least not more than A3 and A2. Batik and embroidery are exepted only in the stretcher. All of the decorative - applied art should be clearly signed on the reverse. The label is filled in block letters 16 letters in Russian and Latin letters or in English. The information at all works (on the reverse side) must be strictly written in the following order: name and age of the participant and the name of work; nomination, organization and creative team representing the party, indicating the country and locality (if any) name, surname and patronymic of the head of the creative team (mug, studio, etc.) or teacher (if any) contact details phone number and address. Works are returned. • Photo: The competition invites photographers - professionals and amateurs. The label is filled in block letters, 16 letters in Russian or Latin letters. The information at all works (on the reverse side) must be strictly written in the following order: name and age of the participant and the name of work nomination, organization and creative team, representing the party, indicating the country and locality (if any) name, surname and patronymic of the head of the creative team (mug, studio, etc.) or teacher (if any) contact details phone number and address. Works are returned. • The festival will organize master - classes of artists and photographers. During the seminars, professional artists and photographers will be examined various aspects of painting and photography. Visitors to the seminars will be devoted to the intricacies of writing and shooting landscapes and portraits, the skills of working with black - and white and color photography in close contact with these masters, who have been working long in photography.


• GRAND PRIX in each category 200€ • Audience Award 100€ • Winners of I, II, III degree • Winners of IV, V, VI degree • Winners of I, II, III degree receive diplomas and cups, winners of IV, V, VI degree receive diplomas and medals, all the other participants - the diplomas. • Special prizes and prizes from the sponsors will be awarded at the festival. • Special diplomas: Diplomas for Professionalism, Diploma of the youngest participant, Diplomas for the Originality of the Performance, Diploma for the preservation of national traditions, Diplomas for Creative Individuality in the category "Exhibitions" will be given at the festival. • Managers are awarded with the diplomas. • The jury's decision is final and is not subject to revision. • Guests and VIP-guests, artists, representatives of public organizations, mass media in Finland and other countries are invited to the ceremony.


• The organizers pay special attention to the need for familiarization with the current situation. • Each party guest arrives at the festival in the terms specified in the official invitation. • The whole participant’s delegation, including attendants, must also be specified in the application. Participants of the festival, accompanying and managers, indicated in the application of both standard program and economy program reside strictly in the hotels that are booked by the organizers of the festival! • Standard program: the payment of managers and the accompanying is made in the amount of 210 € (The cost for 3 days includes: participation and 2 hours bus excursion in Turku, accommodation in a hotel in the city center with breakfast and dinner). • Soloists make a payment of 290 € (The cost for 3 days includes: participation and 2 hours bus excursion in Turku, accommodation in a hotel in the city center with breakfast and dinner and participation in the festival). • Participants in the other categories (including a nomination as "Exhibition") make a payment in the amount of 280 € (The cost for 3 days includes: participation and 2 hours bus excursion in Turku, accommodation in a hotel in the city center with breakfast and dinner included and participation in the festival). • Discount program: the payment of managers and the accompanying is made in the amount of 165 € (The cost for 3 days includes: participation and 2 hours bus excursion in Turku, accommodation in a hotel in the city center, no meals). • Soloists make a payment of 225 € (The cost for 3 days includes: participation and 2 hours bus excursion in Turku, accommodation in a hotel in the city center, no meals). • Participants in the other categories (including a nomination as "Exhibition") make a payment in the amount of 210 € (The cost for 3 days includes: participation and 2 hours bus excursion in Turku, accommodation in a hotel in the city center, no meals). • For residents of Turku (only participating, without accommodation and meals): soloist payment is 40 €, group payment is 80 €. • For other citizens of Finland who do not live in the hotels booked by the organizing committee: soloist payment is 50 €, group payment is 110 €. • Participant is able to take part in several categories with the condition of making a separate application form for each nomination show in each statement the genre, a full- fledged competitive performance and payment for additional nominations. Groups or soloists participating in the festival in several categories, pay an additional fee of € 40 for each additional category. Soloing is considered as the main categories! • Registration of the application is 30 €. In case of cancellation, this amount is not refundable. • Transportation and other costs of participants and leaders, as well as the accompanying must be paid by the sending parties or the participants themselves. • Visa and insurance must be paid by the sending parties or the participants themselves. • Excursions are extra charged. • Participation in the category "Exhibition" is possible without the participant himself, if a representative will be sent to the festival. One representative may bring works no more than 3 participants` works. Remote participation involves payment of € 60 per participant

8. RULES FOR SUBMISSION: • . Upon receipt of the application and copy of payment for the registration party applications will be sent an official invitation to the festival and the number of current account (payment is possible through a bank account or on arrival at the festival). APPLICATIONS will be sent by e-mail. The application indicates the need for resettlement with the exact number of seats and sex. Information on the number of participants contained in the application is treated as final. A copy of the payment order for the registration application is also sent. • Deadline for submission of documents to the Consular Office of Finland is until Arpil 5. The presence of foreign passports at the time of application and payment for registration application is a necessary condition of participation in the competition. • To participate in the competition is necessary to prepare and submit electronically the following documents: 1. Application of the approved form (name, as in the passport or the name of the team for the diploma). 2. Copy of payment for the registration application. 3. 1 photo and short resume (6-7 sentences) in English for booklet 4. Phonogram for performance in Mp3


• The Organizing Committee is the exclusive carrier of property rights to broadcast the concert and competition plays on radio and television, as well as the ownership and distribution of printed competitive products, audio and video recordings of the participants of the competition, lectures, seminars and master classes. • All disputes are submitted to the jury, the organizing committee and management. Their decision is final and not subject to revision. • Matters not stipulated by the Regulation, the organizers decide. • Application means consent with a regulation and is a contract between organizers and participants of the festival, despite the country of residence. Participation in a festival is confirmed by the invitation sent by the organizer on the basis of the application, lists of the participants and documents confirming the payment for the application registration. • Participation in the festival is confirmed by the invitation sent by the organizer on the basis of received applications, lists of participants and documents confirming payment of the registration application. • Refusal from a participation in a festival later than a month before the festival isn't possible, and money isn't given back in this case! Force majeure is only a doctor's certificate given to a person not to a group. • Teams must have at least one attendant for 7 people. The head is not an attendant! • Head of the team is responsible for the lives and health of children. • Organizers are not responsible for the facilities associated with risk (circus). Participants are responsible for compliance with safety regulations. • Organizing Committee has the right to make changes in the Regulation of the festival no later than one week before the festival, informing the registered participants.


1. According the standard program the festival participants live in a 3-4-bed rooms and in 4-bed rooms according the discount program in the hotel, which is located in the heart of Turku. Optionally, you can stay by two persons for an additional charge of 70 € per person.


Transfer (railway station, hotel, train station) is guaranteed if the date, time, place, train and car, flight number are communicated to the organizers 30 days before the start of the competition. Meeting participants at railway stations and airport, the city of Turku at an additional charge: meeting and accompanying 30 € Meeting participants at the stations and the airport in Helsinki, a special bus (maximum 49 people) costs 650 €( information will be sent 30 days before the start of the competition). Please include all the wishes in details and in advance in the application.


Friday 5.05

- Arrival and accommodation

21.00 - dinner with the standard program

22.00 - meeting for the jury and leaders at Cumulus hotel (Eerikinatu 30, 3 floor, the room of organizing committee with the logo of the festival)

Saturday 6.05

Competition held in two halls, a buffet (pies, cakes, sandwiches with fish and ham, Karelian pies and tarts, cakes, juices), coffee and tea are free for all in the lobby. A souvenir shop working.

 Breakfast with the standard program rehearsals of the competitive performances and installation exhibition  competitive performances  cake with the logo of the festival, and coffee / tea in the lobby for the festival participants  opening concert  dinner with the standard program  disco for children  tasting of food and drinks of traditional Finnish cuisine in restaurants of Turku for the jury, for accompanying extra charge of 30 € per person Traditional cranberry juice, strong drink, beer and snacks, cakes and coffee.

Sunday 7.05

 Breakfast with the standard program  rehearsals of the competitive performances  competitive performances  sightseeing tour of Turku by bus with the Russian-speaking and English-speaking guide for all the participants, jury members and accompanying (included)  tour in the castle of Turku with the Russian-speaking and English-speaking guides, the cost is 20 €. Turku Castle was founded in the 13th century. It played an important role in the wars of the Swedish crown. Younger participants are invited to an opportunity to make a wonderful journey through the medieval castle of Turku. This tour offers young participants plunge into the life of a medieval castle, where every kid can feel like a knight and a girl - court lady!  a charity concert in a nursing home (to attend the concert can all comers, declared in the application until March 25)  Gala concert rehearsals and master classes  Gala concert and Award ceremony  dinner with the standard program 21.00 -23.00 sauna for the jury and leaders on the shores of picturesque Lake

Monday 8.05

- departure from the hotel before 12.00  Breakfast with the standard program  bus tour in Helsinki. The cost is 40 € per person. The bus will arrive at Turku approximately 16.00.  17.30- fascinating voyage to Stockholm for a day visit and the ship will arrive back to Helsinki on Wednesday on the 10.05 morning at 10.10. A trip to the 4-seater cabin 75 € (cabins without windows) and 100-120 € (cabins with windows) per person (the price depends on the deck). The price includes boat trip with our accompanying person, who will tell and guide to interesting places and museums. Lunch is charged separately!

About our excursions…

Tasting of traditional Finnish cuisine in restaurants Harald, Koulu and Åboe Vetus (for the jury and leaders is free, for accompanying extra charge of 30 € per person (Traditional cranberry juice, strong drink, beer and national snacks, cake and coffee). -Travel Harald Viking times: The atmosphere of the restaurant «Harald» will help you and your friends back in time, in the days of the Vikings, when the feast lasted much longer than it is now. The restaurant Koulu is known for selection of beers, the restaurant Åboe Vetus is famous for delicious cakes.

Sightseeing tour of Turku with the Russian-speaking and English-speaking guide for all the participants, jury members and accompanying (included) An exciting trip on the bus at the ancient city of Finland - Turku, during which you will learn the history of the city and its main attractions such as Turku Castle, the Cathedral and Central Square. Available free time for independent walking on the central square. Duration is 2 hours. Tour for children in the castle of Turku with the Russian-speaking and English-speaking guide, the cost is 20 €. Turku Castle was founded in the 13th century. It played an important role in the wars of the Swedish crown. By the 16th century the castle was rebuilt in Renaissance style. In those days, residents of Turku could watch the brilliant life of the owners of the castle; balls and dresses in the latest fashions were an integral part of daily life of the castle. This tour offers young participants plunge into the life of a medieval castle, where every kid can feel like a knight and a girl - court lady!

Tour to Helsinki from the hotel Cumulus. The cost of 40 € per person. The City of Helsinki was founded by King Gustav Vaasa in 1550 at the mouth of the River Vantaa (Vantaanjoki), as a trading and seafaring town. In the XVIII century it was built the harsh stone walls Sveaborg sea fortress (Suomenlinna). 1812 Helsinki - the capital of the Grand Duchy, and from 1917 - the capital of independent Finland. Many of the historical attractions belong to the beginning of the XIX century, when around the Senate Square, created the administrative center. Taking a walk in the center of Helsinki, you can explore the city and its life. There are several complementary routes on which there are a lot of interests: the old and new architecture, sculptures, museums, department stores and specialty stores. The route passes through beautiful parks to places with a wonderful view of the sea. Historic buildings tell about the events that had a great influence on the development of the whole of Finland.

Fascinating voyage from Helsinki to Stockholm and back to Helsinki. We invite you on a fascinating journey on the ship Viking Line from Helsinki to Stockholm and back to Helsinki, one day in Stockholm with our leader. The ship departs from Helsinki in the evening at 17.30, comes to Stockholm in the morning at 10.00, departs from Stockholm in the evening of the same day and arrives to Helsinki next morning at 10.10. On the ship, many restaurants and bars, game rooms and duty free shops. The program is filled with numerous concerts, disco, performances for children and adults. A trip in the 4- seater cabin 75 € (cabins without windows) and 100-120 € (cabins with windows) per person (the price depends on the deck). The price includes boat trip with our leader through the city, who will guide to interesting places and museums. Lunch is charged separately! Choose from the many salads and appetizers, hot dishes, dessert, drinks (red and white wine, beer) and soft drinks, as well as tea and coffee. The menu of fish and meat specialties, seafood, fruits and vegetables, and special attention should be of course on dessert table! Lunch can buy in the ship. The number of participants in the tour - at least 15 people.



Groups pay in advance a 10% guarantee fee, which is to be deducted at the final payment.

"We build bridges from nation to nation"