International Theatre and Circus Arts Competition Festival INSPIRATION
Location: TURKU, Finland
Director: WOFA
Application Deadline: 15 March, 2025
The Competition Festival is held with the information support of Finnish and Russian newspapers; the results will be announced in newspapers in Finland, Russia, and
other participating countries, as well as on the radio. The Festival will not only become a beautiful and spectacular creative competition, but it will also emphasize the important role of culture in strengthening friendship and developing creative cooperation between different countries and people.
developing both professional and amateur theatre and circus arts; identification of talented
groups, directors, performers, artists, stage designers;
promoting the prestige and social role of theatre and circus;
creative exchange of experience;
improving the professional level of theatre and circus group leaders.
The festival program will feature:
professional theatres, children’s and youth amateur theatre groups and studios, as well as choreographic, literary and creative groups associated with theatre;
children’s, youth and adult, both amateur and professional (to be scored separately): circus groups, clowning theatres, schools, associations, studios of cultural or educational institutions and other establishments.
Grand forms: Duration: 30 min - 1h 10 min.
straight play;
composition (musical-dramatic, body mobility, musical-literary);
musical play (opera, ballet, musical, dance performance);
puppet show.
Short theatrical forms: Duration: 5 - 20 min.
musical-dramatic composition;
body mobility composition;
musical–literary composition.
Art of declamation: Duration: up to 6 min
author reading (own composition);
dramatic reading (poem, prose, monologue).
Fashion theatre: Duration: up to 7 min.
Age of contestants: children’s groups under 14, youth groups 15-20, adult groups over 20 and mixed groups. The collection should include at least 3 fashion models. The collection catwalk show should be created using a certain plot.
Sketches of theatrical costumes:
Sketches for a performance, musical, opera, etc. (5-8 sketches). A comment on one A4 page to be attached to the sketches. The comment should include the performance name; when the sketches were made; where the performance took place; as well as a brief description of theatrical costumes (materials used and artistic background).
The groups shall deliver the stage equipment, technical facilities and scenery for the performances themselves. Performances with mobile decorations are preferred. Time for installation/dismantling is limited.
Soundtracks should be presented in high-quality recording.
aerial gymnastics
balancing act
illusion act
musical eccentricity
show program (light show)
individual performers (solo, duo);
small forms (3 to 5 people);
ensembles (6 people and more).
Age categories:
7-9 years;
10-13 years;
14-17 years;
18-21 years;
22-25 years;
26 years and more;
mixed age category.
A circus group or soloist presents one performance; a clowning theatre presents 2 sideshows.
Duration of solo and pair performances shall not exceed 5 minutes (an assistant shall not be considered as performance participant). 3 or more people can participate in group performances.
Performance duration: up to 6 min.
All groups shall perform with pre-recorded soundtracks. Soundtracks should be presented in high-quality recording.
Aerial performances without safety harness shall not be considered.
The organizing committee has the right to ban from the program any competition performance, jeopardising the health and lives of performers.
The performances using open flames, crushed glass, and "yoga" demonstrations by contestants shall be prohibited.
Aerial performances without safety harness shall not be considered. Before taking the decision to stage aerial performances at the competition, it is necessary to check with the Organizing Committee the possibility to hang up the equipment.
An individual harness must correspond to all safety requirements and must not be handed over to another person to be used in another performance.
Warm-ups before rehearsals and performances are obligatory to avoid serious injuries and sprains.
The leaders of circus groups bear full responsibility for safety during the performances, as well as assume the responsibility to obtain consent for participation in the competition from parents or guardians of children under the age of 18. Violators of discipline and safety rules during the rehearsals and performances shall be excluded from participation in the competition.
The head of delegation bears the responsibility for life and health during the Festival competition.
The order of competition performances shall be decided by the Organizing Committee.
The soundtracks for performances should be provided on USB flash drives, indicating the name
of the performance and the group. The name of performance should be the same as the track name on the USB flash drive. The track name should be the same as the name indicated in the application.
The Organizing Committee of the International Theatre and Circus Arts Competition Festival
INSPIRATION has formed a competent international jury. At the end of the Festival Competition, the contestants and teachers will have an opportunity to exchange opinions and to discuss the competition performances with jury members at a round table meeting.
The Competition Jury shall evaluate the performance of contestants by the following criteria: script, stage composition, art direction, choreography, body mobility solution, background music, backdrop decoration, costume, actor's typification.
The Jury has the following rights: to distribute places among contestants, to refrain from awarding all places, to award special prizes. If the voting result on any issue has equally divided votes, the vote of the Jury Chairman shall be decisive.
Neither the Jury nor the Organizing Committee shall have the right to disclose the Competition results before the official Awards Ceremony.
The decision of the Jury is final and not subject to change.
The following prizes shall be awarded at the Competition:
The Grand Prix
I, II, III place
IV, V, VI place
I, II, III place winners are awarded diplomas and cups; IV, V, VI place winners are awarded diplomas and medals; all other contestants are awarded diplomas.
The following special diplomas will be awarded at the Theatre Arts Competition:
for the best stage composition, script production, performance libretto;
for the best stage direction;
for the best choreography, body mobility solution of performance;
for the best background music of performance;
for the best backdrop decoration of performance;
for the best stage costume;
for the best actor's typification.
The following special diplomas will be awarded at the Circus Arts Competition:
for the best art direction of a program, performance, sideshow;
for devotion to the genre;
for artistic impression;
for the best costume;
for originality of performance.
Sponsors and other organizations have the right to award special prizes and gifts.
Leaders of winners and laureates are awarded with diplomas.
The Organizers draw special attention of contestants to the need to familiarize themselves with the current regulation. No changes to the program as submitted in the application for competition shall be allowed. In addition to the competition programs, teams and performers will take part in the events outlined by the festival program (opening/closing of the festival).
The Organizers and the Jury will select performances for the Gala concert among the laureates and contestants. The program is final and non-negotiable.
Contestants. Each invited contestant should arrive to the festival within the time specified in the official invitation.
The application must also indicate the overall number of people in the delegation, including attendants.
Festival contestants, attendants and group leaders specified in the application, reside strictly in those hotels that are booked by the Festival Organizers.
The competition can be attended using the following programs (the price is indicated per person):
Standard program
Leaders and attendants pay 240 € per person.
Contestants pay 310 € per person.
The program price from 20.08 to 23.08 includes: accommodation in a triple/quad room at the Scandic hotel in the city centre, breakfast and dinner, participation in the Competition Festival, 1 copy of booklet per group of up to 10 people. Optionally, two people can stay in double room for an additional charge of 80 € per person, the additional charge for a single room is 120 €.
Applications are accepted until June 1. 100% payment must be made by June 15.
Economy program (for groups of at least 16 people)
Leaders and attendants pay 200 €; the contestants pay 260 €.
The program price from 20.08 to 23.08 includes: accommodation in a triple/quad room at the Omena hotel in the city centre, participation in the Competition Festival, 1 copy of booklet per group of up to 10 people. Without meals.
The Organizing Committee provides services to arrange lunch and dinner for 20 € per person.
Applications are accepted until June 1. 100% payment must be made before June 15, including payments for excursions and ordered lunches and dinners. The number of rooms is limited.
Economy program 2 (for groups of at least 16 people). The number of rooms is limited.
Leaders and attendants pay 170 €.
Contestants pay 200 €.
The program price includes: accommodation in rooms for four/six in a hostel and participation in the competition. Without meals.
A contestant has the right to participate in several nominations under the condition of submitting a separate application form for each performance nomination in each applied genre.
Groups or soloists contesting at the Festival in several categories shall make an additional payment in the amount of: 60€ per soloist, 80€ per duo, 90€ per trio, 100 € per quartet, 110€ per quintet, and 20€ per person for ensembles.
The application registration fee is 30€. In case of cancellation, this amount is not refundable.
Transfer and other expenses of contestants and leaders, as well as the attendants must be paid by the sending parties or the contestants themselves.
Visa and insurance are paid at own expense. The Organizing Committee provides assistance in obtaining a free visa, if applications and a bank transfer receipt to pay for registration of the application are received by June 1. The lists of contestants applying to obtain a free visa must contain the following information:
Name and surname in Latin letters, as in passport
Date of birth
Passport number and series
The excursion services are paid additionally.
The list of excursions is available at the website.
Rules for application submission:
Upon receipt of the application, an official invitation to the Festival and the account number will be sent to the contestant. APPLICATIONS are sent by email The application should specify the accommodation needs, with an exact indication of the number of persons and gender. The data on the number of contestants as contained in the application shall be treated as final. The deadline for submitting documents to the Finnish Consular Office is July 1. Holding of passports for foreign travel at the time of application submission and payment for the application registration are mandatory prerequisites for participation in the competition.
ATTENTION!!! The Organizing Committee has the right to stop accepting applications before the deadline.
To participate in the competition, it is necessary to prepare and submit electronically the following documents:
1. Application of the approved form (in the application you must fill in with Latin letters the name and surname, as in the passport for foreign travels, or the name of the team for the diploma).
2. A list in Latin letters, as in the passport for foreign travels, for accommodation in triple/quad rooms. A separate list for accommodation in double rooms.
3. Lists for letters of thanks (no more than 3 per contestant) should be provided by e-mail before
June 15.
4. A photo and a brief summary of the theatre in English, as well as a performance playbill and short summary in English for the booklet.
5. The technical rider and data on installation and dismantling should be mentioned in the application.
Upon receipt of the application, the Organizing Committee will send to the contestant an invoice for payment for registration of the application, participation in the competition and accommodation. After payment, please send a copy of bank transfer receipt to our email.
The Organizing Committee is the exclusive holder of property rights to broadcast the concerts and competition auditions on radio and television, as well as the ownership and distribution rights for printed products from the competition, audio and video recordings of the contestants' performances at the competition, lectures, seminars and master classes.
All disputes are submitted for consideration of the Jury, the Organizing Committee and the Directorate. Their decision shall be final and not subject to revision. The issues that are not specified in the regulations are decided by the Organizers.
Submission of an application shall mean consent with the rules (regulations), and shall act as a contract between the organizers and contestants of the festival, regardless of their country of residence. Participation in the festival is confirmed by the invitation sent by the organizer based on the received applications, lists of contestants and documents confirming the payment for the application registration.
Cancellation of participation in the festival in less than 2 months before the start of the festival shall not be possible and the money shall not be reimbursed! Only a doctor's certificate will be considered as force majeure, and it only applies to a single performer, not to a group!
Children's groups must have at least one attendant (chaperone) per 7 children. The leader shall not be considered as attendant.
The Organizing Committee is not responsible for lost and found items.
The Organizing Committee has the right to make changes to the Regulations on the Festival, no later than one week before the Festival starts, informing the registered contestants.
In case of disputes in the interpretation of this Regulation and translation into other languages, the Russian version shall be considered the only correct and shall prevail.
A transfer (railway station, hotel, bus station) is guaranteed if the date, time, place, train and carriage number, flight number are communicated to the Organizers 20 days before the start of the Competition.
Meeting participants at the train/bus stations and at Turku airport will be arranged at an additional cost: round trip transfer 30€ per person.
Meeting participants at the stations and the airport in Helsinki, by a special bus (max. 49 people) costs 650€ one-way. The bus from hotel in Turku to Helsinki Airport/ Railway / Bus Station also costs 650 €.
For those who wish, it is possible to order a separate bus from St. Petersburg to Turku, if the transfer information is received before June 10. The fare for Saint Petersburg - Turku - Saint Petersburg is 150€ per person (provided that there are at least 30 people on the bus).
From Moscow, you can travel by plane or train to Helsinki and then by train to Turku. There is a daily bus service from Saint Petersburg to Turku, as well as train and ferry connection to Helsinki.