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XI International Folk-Dance & Music Festival SKIATHOS FEST

Application Form Price: 139 € Date: 11 - 15 June, 2025
Location: SKIATHOS, Greece
Director: Z.S.M.& WOFA
Application Deadline: 15 March, 2025
Groups pay in advance a 10% guarantee fee, which is to be deducted at the final payment.

                                        I N V I T A T I O N

 With pleasure we INVITE you (Folk ensembles, Choral groups, Ballroom dance teams, art schools, Music theatre, modern dance teams, orchestras and majorette teams), (children and youth  groups) to participate on  XI INTERNATIONAL MUSIC & FOLK - DANCE FESTIVAL "SKIATHOS FEST" from 11-15 june 2025

 Skiathos - is one of the most beautiful islands in Greece, abounds with pine forest, spacious beaches with fine sand and crystal clear sea, that will take your breath away. The island of Skiathos has an area of ​​50 km2 and 13km in length and over 60 beaches with different themes,but all sandy and clean seas, such as the most famous beaches; Lalaria, Cucunaria, Banana,Megali Amos, Eleni, Vormolimos and many more.

General rules: 

- Children's, youth and adult folklore groups, contemporary dance groups, vocal groups, major teams, instrumental groups can take part in the festival. The age of the participants is not limited.

- The number of participants is limited (only 3 groups from each country),

- Each group should consist of over 50 members, including dancers, managers and musicians,

- Ensembles should have prepared at least 2 years, every 10-15 minutes with an orchestra or USB. For vocal groups 15 - 20 minutes free program. The shows will be in the evening so you can plan the day to visit the historic part of the city and excursions.

- You should send a short biography and 2 - 3 photos from the group by post,

- Bring the flag of the country,

- Groups should have their own transport for arrival and departure.


 Day 1

13 h – group arrival and hotel accommodation

14 – 19 h – Free time

21 h – Meeting with group leaders 


Day 2

08 00-10.00 Breakfast ( served) 

14 – 19 h – Beach time or excursions

21 h – Free time or Greek night (optional)


Day 2

09 – 10 h – breakfast

10 – 16 h – tourist visits - optional

19 h  – departure towards the center, parade

20 h  – оpening festival night

22 h – end of the festival and distributing diplomas and gifts

Day 3

08 – 10 h – breakfast

10 – 19 h – tourist visits ( excursions)

21 – 00 h – Party in hotel

 Day 4

08 – 10 h – breakfast

11.00 Departure 


OPTIONAL – If you stay more days…

 Day 4

09.00 -10.00 Breakfast

11.00 – 16.00  Beach time and free activities

21.00. – 00.00 Free time  

Day 5

08.00 – 09.00 Breakfast,

11.00 Departure of participants 



- 139 euros for 4 BB per person - 4 nights with breakfast at the hotel

- 169  euro for 5 BB per person - 5 nights with breakfast  at hotel

- dinner is 20 euro per person 

- It covers accommodation in a hotel with breakfast (open buffet) in 3 * hotels located in the immediate vicinity to the city center in 2/2, (drivers and leaders ) and others in triple and quadriple rooms..additional double rooms is 12 euro per day per person 

About the hotel:

The Hotel  is located in a pleasant and quiet place in the immediate vicinity of the center of 800m. 

The organizers can arrange ferry transportation at reasonable prices.

Organizers provide:

-     For every 25 dancers – one free

-           Free parking for the buses 

        Advertising the festival

-         Certificate and gifts for every group

Organized tourist visits and attractions: (additional payment)

-         Visits of the nearest islands with amazing beaches with boat or bus

-         Visits of the monasteries, museums and churches

-         Organized Greek night parties

-  Attraction for photographing and shooting under an international landing aircraft

-         Organized Diving (a chance to see the dolphines, turtles, fishes, corals etc.)

-         Organized ferry group transport

H  How to get there?

    You have two ways:

   1.  To come by bus and the bus go to Ferry boat, than in front of hotel you have free bus parking

   2. You can fly to Tessalonik airport or leave the bus to the parking in Thessaloniki and than you go to boat traekt and for 3 hours you are in Skiathos  mail for reservation:


Personal liability and health insurance are within the other obligations of the groups. First aid and medical hospital will be available, medical services must be covered by the group.

On your request, You can continue your stay in Skiathos Price will be 32 Euro per day per person BB – price is special for the participants in festivals that we can provide. 

Tourist tax and insurance is 2 euro per person per day and it is additional paymant.

After Groups arrived in Hotel will be given detailed program of the festival and each group will have guide during festival. After the festival finish organizers will send you link where you can find photos and videos from the festival 

The festival will organize the transport for the groups coming by plane by picking them up from Thessaloniki  airport, during the festival days and back to the same airport. The cost of the transportation will be covered by the group and will be additionally agreed according to their number.

Number of participants is limited on 400 or 10 group..


Reviews from the groups: 

This festival has review of 6 groups and average estimation is VERY GOOD - 8,9/10
Groups pay in advance a 10% guarantee fee, which is to be deducted at the final payment.

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