ІІІ International Festival-competition «Fountain of Inspiration»
Location: ROME, Italy
Director: WOFA
Application Deadline: 1 February, 2025
The festival program:
Arrival to Rome. Excursion. 9 hours in the city center.
Rome is the eternal city where all roads lead ...
Dinner. Hotel accommodation (3 - 4 persons/room)
Competition day.
Transfer to the competition. Performances.
The plein air for painters.
Gala - concert, awarding of groups.
Return to the hotel. Dinner.
Breakfast. Free day.
Additional excursions (ordered by the Organizer before the trip):
❖ City bus excursion - 25 euros per person
❖ "Rome after the Tiber" (17 euros ~ 2 hours).
❖ "Tivoli Fountain Music" (33 € ~ 4hrs).
❖ "Journey to the Vatican" (adults € 38, children under 16 - € 26 ~ 3.5 hours).
Breakfast. Check-out from the hotel.
Free day in Rome.
Departure of groups.
The sequence of events can be changed with preserving the total amount of events declared by the organizers.
Terms of participation
The festival is competitive.
Genres: choreography, vocal, instrumental genre, folklore / ritual theaters / folklore ensembles, theater / puppet theaters, fashion theaters / fashion shows
Invited: Soloists, small forms, bands / chamber formations, choirs, orchestras, ensembles and teams.
There is NO soloist category in pop vocals and circus art genre!
Each participant / team applies for participation with two performances in one genre category.
Participants have the right to participate in several genre categories if there is a separate application for participation with 2 performances in the genre category and a separate fee for each application.
Age categories
«Mini kids» - the smallest age group - 4 - 6 years old
Group I - younger age group 7 - 9 years old
Group II - the middle age group 10 - 13 years old
Group III - Senior age group 14 - 17 years old
Group IV - adults aged from 18 years old
V group is a mixed group
Up to 30% of older age participants in the younger category are allowed.
"Folk dance"
The collectives represent folk dance or folk-styled dance based on the folklore of the country represented.
"Classical Dance"
Representation of the original classical heritage or a new interpretation based on ballet works.
"Modern dance"
Executions in this category may be in the following styles:
● jazz dance (folk jazz dance, afro jazz dance, Broadway jazz dance, lyric jazz dance, jazz-modern dance, etc.);
● contemporary dance, contact improvisation, etc.
“Street dance”
● hip-hop, disco, break dance, jazz-funk, kramp, etc.;
"Ballroom Sports Dance"
Formation: European or Latin American programs - by choice of contestants
● ensembles (6-8 pairs)
● small forms (2-5 pairs)
"Variety dance"
children's dance (plot dance for children 1 and 2 age groups)
"Vocal and Choreographic Collectives"
Choreographic performance of the collective. Vocal works are performed under the "minus" phonogram or "live" vocal accompaniment. The use of back-vocals phonograms is allowed.
Other choreographic forms
● Show – program
● Show-bellydance
● Eastern dance
Criteria for evaluation:
● The technical level of performance
● Dance composition
● Acting skills
● Originality
● Work of the teacher-choreographer
● Costumes
● Selection of musical material
VOKAL (soloists, small forms, ensembles, choirs), two competition numbers with a total duration of up to 7 minutes.
All works are performed a capella, a "minus" phonogram or "live" accompaniment. The use of phonograms "back-vocal" is allowed. DOUBLE vocals are not allowed (instrumental or voice duplication of the main part)
There is NO soloist category in the genre "variety" vocal
Criteria for evaluation:
● technical performance: intonation, rhythm, phrasing, order, accuracy of performance of the work, pronunciation.
● artistic performance: tempo, agogyka, dynamics, interpretation of the text, emotionality, expressiveness, stylistic equality.
● presentation of the program: selection of repertoire, complexity of performed, appearance.
INSTRUMENTAL GENRE, 2 competition performances.
Strings and plucked instruments (soloists, small forms 2-4 people)
Wind instruments (soloists, small forms 2-4 people)
Folk instruments (soloists, small forms 2-4 people)
Orchestras and Ensembles
The choice of the competitive program at the discretion of the contestant!
Criteria for evaluation:
- degree of possession of the instrument
- purity of intonation and musical structure
- the complexity of the repertoire and arrangement
- ensemble performance
- mastery of dynamic amplitude of sound
FOLKLORE CREATIVITY / Rite THEATERS1 competition performance, total duration up to 8 min.
word, dance, gesture, music, action that people used during rituals, holidays, rituals. Folk-ethnographic collectives are invited, representing numbers and programs created on the basis of folklore, customs and rituals.
collectives present small stage forms, solo performances, sketches, scenes from plays and plays that have a composition-finished character up to 10 min.
Soloists - Readers: 1 or 2 performances, up to 8 minutes in total.
Criteria for evaluation:
- completeness and expressiveness of the disclosure of the theme of the work;
- disclosure and brightness of artistic images, performing level;
- Scenic (plastic, costume, performance culture)
- Artistic design of the play, props;
- Diction actors;
- correspondence of the repertoire of the age category of the performer;
- Artistic value of the repertoire;
- Position of the director;
- Acting skills.
CIRCULAR ART / variety art sports duration up to 5 minutes (individuals, small groups of up to 5 people, Collectives): plastic show, acrobatics, rubber, juggling, clowning
Criteria for evaluation
- Level of training and performance skills;
- Technical capabilities of the performer;
- Artistry, scenicism (plastic, costume, performance culture)
- Creative approach to the selection of the repertoire;
- The complexity of the program;
- Stage design of the program, props.
The theaters of fashion present one performance to the competition program in the form of mini-performances or shows. Duration up to 10 minutes.
Criteria for evaluation:
- completeness and expressiveness of the disclosure of the theme of the work;
- disclosure and brightness of artistic images, performing level;
- Scenic (plastic, costume, performance culture)
- Design;
The theme of the plein air is reported after confirmation of participation from the organizers.
The work can be done in free technique
Own materials and sketchbook from participants: gouache, watercolor, pencil.
The size of the drawing should not exceed 50 x 70 cm. On the back of the work the information should be provided: participant, educational institution, job title, technique of performance.
Exhibition of works that participants bring with them - separate evaluation for FREE !!!
Other nominationsaccording to accepted applications.
Financial conditions
Participation fee:
239 €
Participation fee includes:
- Participation in the competition with two competition numbers (25 euro for participant)
- Accommodation in hotel 4 days / 3 nights in Rome
- 2 meals per day, starts on the day of arrival and ends on the day of departure (in Rome)
- Walking tour in Rome with a qualified guide (up to 2 hours)
- Each participant receives festival symbols: bag and / or t-shirt,
- Notepads, magnets, calendars, party badges and other.
Valuable gifts from the organizers
Extra charge (optional):
- Bus transfer airport-hotel-airport from 18 euro/person *
- Bus transfer hotel-competition-hotel from 10 euro/person *
- Bus transfer hotel-excursion-hotel from 10 euro/person *
- Electives; entrance tickets; personal expenses; travel in public transport in Rome
- For the concertmaster or other supervisor there is available discount on request
- A deposit 20 euro/per, that is payable upon check-in at the hotel, is refundable on the day of the group departure if there is no damage.
- Participation in one more competition number – 10 euro for participant.
* Bus transfer cost is calculated individually for each group
Festival – competition SAMOCVITY is not a commercial event. Contributions for participation in the festival are charitable and are directed towards the development, organization and holding of the competition, the prize fund of the competition.
The composition of the jury is organized by the organizers of the representatives of culture and art of Ukraine and Europe, public organizations, mass media and other prominent personalities from different regions of Ukraine and other countries of the contest-festival. The permanent composition of the jury consists of 3-5 people in one genre category. The composition of the jury may increase depending on the number of participating countries. The chairman of the jury is elected by the Organizing Committee.
The Jury has the right to:
− to give recommendations to the participants of the competition
− To allocate individual performers and award them with special prizes
− by agreement with the organizing committee, make a decision to change the Regulations of the festival, or not to mark the participants in prize-winning places in the nomination
The Jury's decision is final and can not be reviewed.
Discussion of the jury's performances takes place after the end of the competition program and after discussion by the jury. Members of the jury are not obliged to report the evaluation and the prizes of the team to the gala concert. During the discussion, the jury members indicate errors, note the strengths, express their wishes.
Confirmation of participation in the festival-contest
To participate in the festival you need to submit an application electronically. The application form can be found on our site on the festival page.