Location: Tzhchanky , Poland
Director: Kseniya & WOFA
Application Deadline: 15 March, 2025
We are glad to invite you – folk music groups, chorus, modern dances groups, bands and major ensembles, soloists, duets, ensembles, professional and amateur groups, singers-songwriters, performers of vocal and choreographic compositions, a capella singing, performing musicians, in the original genre, circus and pop-circus groups, readers of the art of declaration, theater and mass compositions, masters of artistic and applied and decorative arts “paper plastic (embroidery, origami, application, quiling, etc.), modelling (plasticine, salt dough, clay, gypsum etc.), natural materials (floristics, etc.), handmade (embroidery, bead weaving, knotting, etc.), instrumentalists in different musical forms to take part in the International festival-competition «GOLDEN FEST» 2019 w Magicznyсh ogrodaсh. It is a multigenre international competitive festival, which is directed to detection and support of creative children, talented youth and adults, demonstration of capabilities and rise of level of the acting skills, development and strengthening of international communication, exchange with cultural traditions and spiritual values.
Description of the program of stay:
We are hospitably greeted by the city of Pulavy, the center of the gmina and uyezd of Pulavy, of the voivodship Lublin. The first mention refers to the XVI century. Pulawy was the administrative center of the uyezd as the part of the guberniya of Lublin. It was a ancestral mansion of the princely family Chartoryiskie in Pulavy. Isabella Chartoriiska founded here in 1801 the first museum in Poland. After confiscation with the czarist government of the property of the Chatoryiskie – Pulavy was called in 1842 as Novaia Aleksandriia (Novoaleksandriia) in honor of the staying there of the empress Aleksandra Fiodorovna. Now Pulavy is a flourishingly beautiful city. With parks and preserved castles of the Chatoryiskie, which were not damaged during the war will gift you an aesthetic and historical pleasure.
The festival will take place in the magic city in a huge amusement park of Magiczne Ogrody, what is translated as "Magic Gardens" and it corresponds in a full manner to the title. The park is located in voivodship Lublin in the region of Tzhchanki, near the historical city with an ancient castle Kazimezh with picturesque parks and unforgettable views! Magic Gardens is the first theme park in Poland created on the basis of an original fairy tale story... Among the hundreds of flowers, trees, entertainments, castles and lakes you will find fabulous lands inhabited with extraordinary magical creatures. This unforgettable adventure, a contact with the magical nature and bright contest-festival with the talented performers, friendly and family atmosphere will forever remain a fragile, touching memory in everyone’s heart! During the festival, which will take place at the territory of Magiczne Ogrody, you will fully enjoy the magical beauty and emotions of all sightseeing attractions of the park. In addition, there will be interesting excursions to the historical places of Lublin and Kazimezh.
Kazimezh Dolny is is a real pearl of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The conveniently spread among the picturesque hills lower course of Visla in Pulavy, it attracts like a magnet the numerous visitors, who are not indifferent to the history of the European Middle Ages. It is one of the most famous polish cities, which can boast with interesting history, mystical legends, magnificent authentic architecture and the proud title of “Oasis of Bohemia”. During its almost thousand-year history, Kazimezh Dolny did a lot for Poland. It was destroyed and rebuilt several times. Under the rule of Kazemir Velikii, the city was built of the stone and beginning from those times appeared a saying that Kazemir Velikii took Poland as wooden and remained it as stone! At the beginning of the XX century, many arts left huge cities behind their backs and went to quiet, calm cities, looking for inspiration. Such place became Provance in France, and in Poland – Kazimezh Dolny with its surroundings. And it remained up to our days. You will feel all the unbelievable and bohemian nature of this city, having been there during our festival!
Participation fee:
128 Euro per person for 4 nights and 5 days of stay in the Republic of Poland.
For the group of 15 participants – the leader has the right to live and to eat without paying (15 +1).
Participation fee includes:
- Support and coordination of participants during the competition
- Accommodation in a hostel, in two-, three- and four-place rooms with sanitary facilities.
- 3-times food (breakfast, dinner and supper).
- games and entertainment at the territory of Magiczne ogrody park during competition.
- evening camp fires- master-classes
- Reward for participation, according to the results of the Competition (diploma, cup)
- drinks at the territory of Magiczne ogrody park during competition.
- guides for looking at the city (city of Pulawy., city of Kazimezh., city of Lublin)
- free parking,
- acquaintance with the representatives of the diplomatic mission in the Republic of Poland, and with the representatives of the local authorities.
- festival advertising (press conference, e-cards, Facebook messages)
- professional stage with the size: 10x8 meters,
- professional sound equipment: (2 bass, 4 satellite and 2 monitor speakers),
- professional lighting equipment,
- video and photos of the Competition
* For the participants arriving to a competition independently, we will organize the transfers for an extra charge.
Participants shall provide:
flag of your country.
national clothes of your country.
- Souvenirs for exchange as a memory with the participants from the other countries (optional)
The personal responsibility and medical insurance are obligatory for the Competition’s participants. The first aid and medical care will be available, but it will be paid by the participants.
Upon arrival of the groups on the place of habitation, it will be presented to them a detailed program of the festival and a guide for the time of the festival.
At the termination of the festival, the organizers will send you the photos of the Competition Program. All videos and photos are copyrighted by the festival’s organizer.
The more detailed information you will receive after confirmation of your participation.
The number of participants is limited to 400 or 10 groups!
Arrival of all participants in Pulawy.
08.00 - breakfast;
09.00 - departure to Lublin;
10.00 - 15.00 - Excursion and free time in Lublin;
16.00 - return to Pulawy, dinner;
19.00 - Ohnysko (dinner);
20.00- return to Pulavy, seeping at hostel.
08.00 - breakfast;
09.30 - the first participants go to “Magiczne Ogrody”;
10.00 - preparation for the festival;
12.00 - competition program, dinner of the groups between performances;
14.00 - departure for a trip to Kazimezh.
The second group
09.30 - departure for a trip to Kazimezh;
13.00 - go to "Magiczne Ogrody", dinner;
14.00 - performances on the main stage;
19.00 - Ohnysko (dinner);
20.00 - return to Pulawy, sleeping in the hostel.
09.30 - the first participants go to “Magiczne Ogrody”;
10.00 - preparation for the festival;
12.00 - competition program, dinner of the groups between performances;
14.00 - departure for an excursion to Pulawy.
The second group
09.30 - departure for an excursion to Pulawy;
13.00 - go to "Magiczne Ogrody", dinner;
14.00 - performances on the main stage;
19.00- Ohnysko (dinner);
20.00 - return to Pulawy, sleeping in the hostel.
08.00 - breakfast;
09.00 - departure of all participants to «Magiczne Ogrody»;
10.00 - preparation for the gala concert;
12.00 - Gala concert and awarding of the participants. Dinner of the groups between performances.
18.00 - Supper. Rest.
Departure of participants.
General provisions
The founder and organizer of the festival-competition is «GOLDEN FEST» – 2019 w Magicznyсh ogrodaсh (hereinafter reffered to as the Competition) is the Organizing Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee) with the support of the International public organization for support of gifted children and youth “Commonwealth”.
Time and place of the Competition:
- The term of participation in the festival is from 28.08.2019 till 01.09.2019, including the transit and excursions and entertainment program (city of Pulawy, city of Kazymezh, city of Lublin , family theme park Magiczne ogrody).
- Competition program from 28.08.2019 till 01.09.2019.
- Awarding of the winners 01.09.2019.
- The competition is held in the town of Tzhchanky, the province of Yanovets, the voivodeship of Lublin, Republic of Poland.
Rules for participation
To participate in the Competition can the soloists, duets, ensembles, professional and amateur groups, singers-songwriters, performers of vocal and choreographic compositions, a capella singing, performing musicians in the original genre, collections with drums and cheerleading groups, fashion theaters, circus and pop-circus groups, readers of the art of declaration, theater and mass compositions, masters of artistic and applied and decorative arts “paper plastic (embroidery, origami, application, quiling, etc.), modelling (plasticine, salt dough, clay, gypsum etc.), natural materials (floristics, etc.), handmade (embroidery, bead weaving, knotting, etc.), instrumentalists in different musical forms.
The competition is conducted by the following nominations:
- VOCAL (pop, folk, academic, singer-songwriters);
- CHOREOGRAPHY (modern, folk, classical);
The competition is held in the following forms:
- Solo ( 1 participant)
- Duet ( 2 participants)
- Group, ensemble, choir, team (3 and more participants).
Age categories:
- Children from 7 to 9 years (inclusive);
- teenagers from 10 to 12 years (inclusive);
- youth from 13 to 16 years (inclusive);
- young people from 17 to 21 years (inclusive);
- adult from 21 year and senior;
- mixed age category.
The preparation and realization of the Competition is realized and coordinated by the Organizing Committee of the festival. The preliminary selection of participants is carried out by the Organizing Committee on the basis of official applications, creative recommendations and materials, presented for the Competition. (Attachment 1.).
Program requirements:
- Collectives must prepare at least 3 spots. For the nomination “Vocal” in the category of solo, duet, group, ensemble, chorus: two pieces are obligatory, the third piece is necessary for participation in the gala concert. The regulation for sounding is not more than 4 minutes for one composition.
- All creative works are performed with the “minus” phonogram. It is permittes the use of the phonograms of the “backing vocals”. It isn’t permitted the DOUBLE-vocal (instrumental or vocal duplication of the main part) for soloists or for cappella.
- The musical accompaniment for nominations - choreography, original genre, theater art, must be exclusively on a USB flash drives.
- The performers, who perform under the live accompaniment, MUST OBLIGATORY to send the technical rider.
ATTENTION!!! There is no more than one track in one folder of a USB flash drive. A copy is required!!!
Procedure for applications filling:
To participate in the Competition, all participants must obligatory submit:
1. Application form
2. Photo (of participants, of the team).
3. Professional resume (creative biography).
4. Awards.
The materials submitted for consideration for participation in the Competition are not reviewed and are not returned. The incomplete materials or materials submitted after the deadline are accepted for consideration as an exception.
The festival organizing committee, being the organizer of the Competition, has the right to send official invitations to the performers from the different countries of the world to participate in the competition (who did not submit applications before the aforementioned date), who successfully represented their countries at different international competitions.
The course of the Competition is lighted by mass-media, accredited to the competition.
Organization and order of the competition:
- All live auditions are held publicly.
- In the FINAL shall participate the competitors, who have passed the preliminary selection based on the provided materials and documents.
- In the nomination “vocal”, shall be performed a song with duration no more than 4 (four) minutes, accompanied by a “minus one” phonogram (mini-disk, CD Audio). The recording of the auxiliary voice (backing vocals) is permitted in those cases, when it does not duplicate the main voice (melodic line) and does not interfere with listening of the artist. The phonogram is provided directly by the participant.
- For the nomination “choreography”, original genre, theater art, phonogram must be exclusively on USB flash drive. It is necessary obligatory the technical rider for the performers under the accompaniment.
- Competitive performances are conducted in 2 (two) competitive days.
- Before the contest draw, the participant provides the Organizing committee of the festival with the carriers of concert phonograms to ensure control of the sounding time of the performed works.
- The replacement of works submitted for the Competition may be made only with the consent of the Organizing Committee of the festival not later than 2 days before the start of the Competition.
- The order of the participant’s performance is determined by the Organizing committee before the start of the competition.
- A participant may come to participate in the Competition with accompanying persons (stylist, makeup artist, producer, composer, teacher, etc.).
- The expenses associated with the Competition's advertising campaign, television broadcasting, and production of printed materials are covered by the funds of the Coordination Meeting of the Competition, as and also of the other sources not prohibited by the law.
International judges:
The international judges are formed by the Organizing committee from the list of popular pop singers, composers, poets, managers, producers, journalists, public and political figures, representatives of the creative intellectual class, who are not managers or producers of the Competition’s participants.The numerical composition of the jury in 2019 – is no more than 11 people, including the Chairman of the jury and secretaries of the jury. The Chairman of the jury is approved by the Organizing committee, not later than 1 (one) week before the start of the Competition. The judges evaluate the contest performance according to the 5-point system.
The evaluation criteria for competitive performance for the nomination: vocal, choreography, theater art, instrumental genre, original genre:
- professionalism of the participants, the quality of the repertoire’s execution;
- ensemble system;
- technical level for performance of creative works;
- emotionality performance;
- interpretation of the creative work;
- scenic culture of the participants;
- stage image of the performer.
Evaluative criteria for competitive performance of the arts and crafts:
- the creative approach (it is prohibited the copying and borrowing of the plot);
- level of performance technique, equipment and materials;
- relevance and completeness of the topic;
- accuracy of work performance, diligence.
- The contestants can provide the competitive works of any size.
The form of jury voting is closed. Voting of jury members occurs after termination of a performance of each age category. From the number of the acting contestants by the highest number of points, the jury determines the winner of the “Grand Prix”, the laureates and diploma receivers of the competition. The applicant for the possession of the “Grand Prix” of the competition is the contestant who has scored the highest amount of points as a result of the jury’s vote.
The jury has the right:
- to award the Grand Prix of the Contest in each nomination;
- to reward the participants with the title “Laureate” (of the 1, 2, 3 degrees);
- to award with the diplomas "For participation in the festival" without giving any awards;
divide the award (except for the “Grand Prix” in all nominations) between the contestants who have scored an equal number of points or with a slight difference in points (up to 2 points).
- “Grand Prix” - a special prize (statuette) and a diploma of the “Grand Prix” owner.
- The First Prize, the Second Prize, the Third Prize” - a special prize (statuette) and a Diploma of the Competition’s Laureate (owner of the “First Prize”, owner of the “Second Prize” and owner of the “Third Prize”, respectively).
- Participant of the Competition who is not awarded the title of Laureate is awarded a Diploma with the award of the title of "Diploma winner".
- The establishment of special awards and prizes for the contestants by the organizations, associations, the enterprises of various forms of ownership, mass media, famouse cultural figures and performers shall be coordinated with the Organizing committee of the Competition and with the International jury.
Special provisions:
All relations on copyright and allied rights with the Copyright societies and other organizations involved in their protection, associated with this Competition, the participants of the Competition shall be realized independently.
The Participant of the Competition (Laureate, Diploma winner) allows the Organizing Committee of the Competition to use his/her image in the production of promotional products and agrees to use his/her name.
The participant of the Competition gives the right to the Organizing Committee of the Competition:
for the public use of the creative works (materials, presented for the Competition) and demonstration for informational, advertising and other purposes;
to reproduce through any mass media and by any way all the performances, which were within the frameworks of the Competition;
to produce audio and video products on the basis of concert performances within the framework of the Competition in order to distribute exclusively for the festival advertising.
Final provisions:
Participation in the Competition means the full and unconditional acceptance of the rules of this Regulation. In the case of non-compliance of the rules of this Regulation, the Participant can be disqualified.
violation of the rules of this Regulation;
harming of the image of the Competition;
deviations from the planned performance;
violation of the copyright rights, conflict with jury, organizers, sponsors;
pressure on the jury, organizers, sponsors, in order to obtain preferences;
indecent or vulgar behavior towards members of the Organizing Committee, members of the jury and the public;
The decision about disqualification shall be made by the Organizing Committee of the Competition and it is not subject to appeal.